05 April 2021

Dear Laca,

On the subject of I like you so much!...

Your dad and I were just talking about how other adults always say things like “well, when you need a break from your kid” or “let us take her off your hands” we were curious if most parents don’t actually like their kids?

Because we never really want or need someone to take you off our hands. In fact, we just got a cabin for our anniversary, and we spent a lot of the time talking about how cute you are and how much we missed you. We mused on what you were thinking about, or what you would be doing.

All this is to say, I genuinely like you as a person. And you’re 1. I can’t wait to see how you and your personality evolves, because I just know you’re like the coolest human I’ll ever meet.

I like you when you do things, knowing they’ll make me laugh.
I like you every time you smile.
I like you when you’re off teaching yourself a new thing.
I like you when you’re pointing at random stuff, “that?”
I like you when you’re fussy because you’re tired. (I know you’re doing the best you can!)
I like you when you’re reading.
I like you when you’re telling me what book to pick up next.
I like you when you lay your head on the ottoman to take a break from playing.
I like you when you see a new person and you can’t tear your eyes away.
I like you when you throw yourself out of my arms because you need to go play with something.
I like you when you first see me in the morning.
I like you when you’re tired and you can only fall asleep against me.
I like you when you’re frustrated with a new toy.
I like you when you beg to go outside (even if it’s 30°)
I like you when you bring me your shoes so I can put them on.
I like you when you chew on a clove of garlic like an apple.
I like you when you chew on your binki like a cigar (lol)
I like you when you can’t find daddy and the first room you check is the bathroom.
I like you when you tell me when Euler’s ready to come back inside.

❤ your mother